In this blog our Paula Green builds on her Family Friendly Policies Guide and talks about the importance of getting the basics right.
I don’t know about you, but the amount of HR legislation changes in just this year alone has been significant. It seems like as soon as we turn one corner with confidence, we are immediately faced with another set of changes that continue to shape how we practice HR. Even for those in the industry, I think I can speak for the majority, ensuring we remain up to date and ‘in the know’ has been somewhat of a challenge, specifically when there is still a lot of information that is unknown. For small businesses, especially when I consider the number of changes that have been implemented or are about to be, this can be overwhelming to ensure the continuity of ‘business as normal’.
With that being said, all is not lost. Change is good, if managed correctly. This is where the term ‘back to basics’ stems from. If I think about all the changes that were implemented in April 2024 such as the changes to flexible working, paternity leave, enhancements in redundancy protection, introduction of carer’s leave, when we take a step back and look at the bigger picture, it all comes back to the core functions of HR. It is about how we do things. It is about building a culture that aligns the organisation’s workforce with the strategic objectives of the organisation. A lot of organisations are tempted to overshadow the basics of getting it right with perks that will only support in the short term. However, if we can get the basics right, less time and energy will be spent on the hollow perks which have minimal impact. With the growing complexity and uncertainty in the world of work there is a greater emphasis that less is more.
Here at Gravitate HR, we can help with all the above. Whether it’s ensuring that your organisation is ready for the changes ahead and advising accordingly, i.e. updating policies and/or contracts, communicating changes with existing staff, running introductory sessions on specific topics, delivering bespoke training sessions or whether it’s about going back to the basics and developing your culture. We are here to give you peace of mind and will support your organisation to strive for best practice approaches.
Over the upcoming weeks, we will be releasing blogs, in addition to our guides, that will help you navigate through the upcoming legislative changes post 01 October 2024. Missed the guides? Do not worry, you can access them here and all you have to do is pop in your email!
Want to find out more about our services or how we can help? Why not book a call with us, 20 min call – Gravitate HR.
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