Design and Implementation of online HR System


The John Muir Trust, a Scottish charity, is a leading voice for the UK’s wild places. They are dedicated to the conservation, protection and restoration of the UK’s wild places, for the benefit of all. The Trust were looking to modernise, streamline and integrate their internal processes to create more efficient operations and improve ways of working for a widely dispersed staff team. After an extensive organisation-wide gap analysis, the Business Transformation Project Team (BTP) identified the need for updated systems and processes including in the HR area. An additional resource with SME expertise in HR was needed to support the BTP alongside the Trust’s HR team on the implementation of the new HR and Payroll systems.

We were introduced to the Trust by Optimum PPS as we had previously worked alongside them on another client project. 

Our remit was to support the BTP in the build and implementation of new HR and Payroll systems and process development.

Approach in project:

Initially, John Muir Trust sought to:

  • Improve HR processes and enhance workflows between departments: streamline and standardise procedures, reduce manual intervention and key man dependency 
  • Improve Employee experience through self service capabilities: improve management of entire employee life cycle and increase employee engagement
  • Improve oversight and controls: with systems in place becoming GDPR compliant and creating a central, single “source of truth” for data 
  • Improve reporting and management information: by having a suite of analytical reports available for their people and executive teams, and board.

Gravitate’s Approach:

  • Building Relationships: utilised regular BTP calls to build trust and buy-in, ensuring effective collaboration
  • Manage the build of specific modules: ensured modules/ workflows built within the system, matched the process required to deliver desired operational outcomes
  • HR data management with quality checks: conducted a full review of historic employee data held in several locations to ensure data migration into the new system was completed accurately 
  • Adaptability: responded to needs of the People Team to build and test ‘fit for purpose’ recruitment, onboarding, performance review and offboarding processes. 

Overcoming Challenges:

During the project, issues with the payroll system supplier meant the BTP and Finance teams had to take a decision to reduce the scope and exclude the payroll platform. As such, there would not be a fully integrated HR and Payroll system. Working with the BTP, Gravitate’s flexible and adaptable approach ensured the finance team could download a suite of finance reports from the HR system directly for their monthly payroll process. They are no longer dependent on a member of the People Team for this information. The solution delivered an improved level of automation and data controls, and reduced manual intervention.

Benefits Delivered:

At “Go Live” on 30th May 2024, JMT have successfully implemented and are utilising around 85-90% of the HR System’s capabilities and functionality. The BTP with support of Gravitate built all basic modules, relevant forms, workflows and reports.  Recommendations have been provided for further enhancements over the coming months and into next year. 

Listed below are some of the high-level benefits to the Trust realised to date: (in no particular order)

  • Single source of Truth and GDPR compliant data
  • Enhanced workflows between departments standardises processes
  • Reduced manual interventions, administration and key man dependency
  • Application Tracking System (ATS) improves Recruitment and applicant experience
  • SSO and integrations pull together HR, intranet and LMS (NHR, Blink & iHASCO)
  • Simplified on- and off-boarding processes between Facilities, HR and Finance, allowing for smoother transition for employee
  • Automated Performance Review process all in one form
  • Improved time management, accountability and meeting delivery deadlines
  • Increased Employee engagement with the Self-Service capability.


“We were delighted to have Gravitate join our BTP. Gravitate quickly integrated into the organisation to became a trusted and valued core project team member. We relied on their expertise in HR best practice to develop our new processes and draft policy changes as well as on their previous experience with a similar type of system implementation project. We could delegate a high level of oversight and responsibility to Gravitate and were confident we had the SME we needed to implement the right solution for the Trust. 

It has been a very challenging period for the organisation. Gravitate’s steady, adaptable, and professional approach to delivery was invaluable for a project of this nature. They exceled at developing strategies to address challenges and risks as they arose within project and advised on appropriate approach for staff. Gravitate also developed and delivered training for our staff to support them through the process changes. Initial staff response to the new self-service functionality, time & attendance management and recruitment has been overwhelmingly positive. The HRI system implementation was a great success due to their involvement!” 

Beth Schappert, Change & Assurance Manager

What Next?

John Muir Trust have seen a period of significant change, and this has led to a series of recruitment for positions, the HR Software Implementation has only supported this need with the ATS being included in the build of the project. It is the intention to introduce the Annual Performance reviews over the coming months, which will also be managed through the new system. 

This case study exemplifies the lasting impact Gravitate can have on a company’s success even within the remit of a project by fostering a strong HR foundation and being flexible to support the changing needs within the scope of the project.