Christine joined the Gravitate HR team in September 2024 and in this blog she describes her feelings of returning to work after time away to raise her young family, and her experience of new role.

Navigating My Return to the Workplace: A New Chapter with Gravitate HR

Hi everyone! I’m excited (and a little nervous!) to be writing my first blog as I introduce myself to you all and share a bit about my journey returning to the workplace and my first steps with Gravitate HR.

Let me start by saying, if you’re reading this and you’re a parent like me, trying to navigate the world of work after some time off, I completely understand how daunting it can feel. Whether it’s worrying about imposter syndrome, questioning if there really is such a thing as work/life balance, or just plain wondering if you still “have it”.

For me, it all started with a speculative email. Yes, that’s right—I sent my CV to Gravitate HR just hours before I spotted their full-time HR Assistant position. But here’s the thing: I was looking for part-time work, so I assumed my application would be an instant rejection. Imagine my surprise when it wasn’t! In addition to welcoming part-time hours, Gravitate HR exercises hybrid working. Allowing flexibility to work from home, as well as the Edinburgh and Glasgow offices. It was clear right from the start that Gravitate HR’s values weren’t just words on a page; they actively practice flexibility and inclusion. Company culture is incredibly important to me, and from the first conversation, I knew I’d found a place where my values aligned perfectly with the team’s.

Starting at Gravitate HR has been a breath of fresh air. During my first week, I spoke in depth with each team member, gaining insights into their unique journeys, the diverse range of clients they support, and the type of work they are passionate about. What really excites me about joining an HR consultancy like Gravitate HR is the sheer variety of clients and projects we get to engage with. No two days are the same, and the breadth of industries and challenges we support allows me to continuously grow, both professionally and personally. It’s a dynamic environment where I can apply my knowledge while also learning from the wealth of experience within the team.

Then came Friday—the perfect way to wrap up my first week: a team social in Edinburgh! It was great to have the opportunity to let our hair down and get to know each other beyond the office. Spoiler alert: Gravitate HR has some brilliant curling and karaoke stars!

Now, for a little background: I spent over six years in a recruitment environment before taking time off to raise my son. During my time away from the office, I knew it was important to keep my mind active and alert, especially when it came to HR trends and employment law updates. So, I stayed committed to my professional development, completing my CIPD Level 3 qualification alongside various other courses. I knew that when I was ready to return, I wanted to feel confident in my ability to interview and step back into the working world with a sense of ease.

Returning to work isn’t about ticking boxes or settling for “just okay” to get your foot back in the door. My experience at Gravitate HR so far has shown me that the right company will see your time spent raising children not as a gap in your CV, but as a time of growth and learning. Good employers (like mine!) will recognise that being a parent is a part of your identity, and they’ll value that alongside your professional skills.

If I could give advice to anyone re-entering the workforce, it would be this: be confident in who you are and what you bring to the table. Parenthood isn’t a career pause—it’s a life experience that makes you adaptable, resourceful, and, quite frankly, a pro at managing multiple crises at once. If an employer doesn’t see that, it’s probably not the right fit. But if they do, you’ll find yourself in a company like Gravitate HR—where flexibility, trust, and a true balance between work and life aren’t just buzzwords.

Finally, for those wondering—yes, work/life balance does exist! It just takes the right environment, mutual trust, and a little bit of flexibility. I’ve landed in a place that embodies all of this, and I couldn’t be happier.

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