From time-to-time businesses need to restructure posts for different reasons.  Sometimes to reduce headcount and save costs, other times to change the skill base and type of employees and often to reflect changes in their marketplace or customer base.  It can be because there are poor trading conditions and a need to reduce overheads and that is a difficult message to get across.

There is a distinct process to follow and specific steps to take to minimise risks, as employees can have recourse through the tribunal system for unfair dismissal, discrimination or other remedy.  This often drives behaviour to focus on the departing employees and forget about the survivors, those left behind in the business after the restructure.  My advice is always think about everyone – those leaving and those remaining – look after the survivors as you will rely on them for the continuance of your business and customer delivery.

When framing communication, it is important to get the right message across to the appropriate groups and it is not always possible to reassure people that they will be unaffected or that there may not be further rounds of restructure.  So, honesty in communication and being mindful of commercial implications of your message is important.  Not always easy and can take a lot of thought, so don’t rush, give yourself time to plan and prepare, take advice and soundings from professionals, test out your message on trusted advisors and plan carefully and comprehensively.

Plan some post restructure team engagement activity.  It would not be appropriate to splash out on some lavish treats but some time to engage with each other, to reframe the future direction of the company and to set a forward agenda demonstrates that you have a forward plan, that you value your employees and that you can inject some new energy and enthusiasm into the business and the team.

Focus on individuals, encourage managers to spend time with their staff members individually, listen to any concerns about what may have happened or could arise and try to set a positive path forward for workplans, personal development and constructive feedback.

Much as you may wish to sit back after what can be an exhausting exercise of rounds of communication, consultation and decision making, you need to really up your game and engage with the team as a whole and individuals in the teams.  Inject sincere energy, leadership and empathy and you are more likely to achieve the objectives of the restructure, continuity and stability.

Remember the way that you conduct yourself during restructure will be observed and noted by employees and it will influence their decision to remain or go after the event.  All eyes on you.

Restructure can be complicated and involve complex decisions, if you wish to discuss your particular set of circumstances you can book a call here.  Gravitate HR has vast experience in supporting such process in many different sets of circumstances.  You can contact us on 0141 459 7458 or book a 20-minute call with one of our team.