The pros of undertaking a training course of any kind cannot be understated, and in HR, in particular, having knowledge of the latest policies and best practices is vital not only to your own professional development but also to the growth of your team.

Here are just a few of the benefits of our HR workshops.

Keep up to date with best practices and policies

HR is an ever changing landscape and it’s vital that you stay up to date with best practices and workplace policies. By taking part in an HR workshop you will increase your awareness, knowledge and skills as well as those of your team. You can learn practical strategies that you can implement immediately in your business.

Take a proactive approach to sensitive and challenging workplace 

In order to retain and attract good team members it’s important that you take a proactive approach to addressing what are often sensitive challenges in the workplace. For example, bullying, inclusivity and mental health awareness. A workshop is a great way to start the conversation, upskill your managers and take a proactive approach to improving your company culture.

Improve performance and productivity

By investing in your team and offering training support you are demonstrating that you value them. This in turn increases their motivation and productivity as well as helps to engage them. It’s also a great way to attract new talent into your business.

Low cost, easy investment

Our HR workshops on average cost £110 +VAT per person for a minimum of 10 people.. This is an affordable, low cost, one-off investment that offers real value for money. It allows you to address specific issues, upskill yourself and your team, improve your company culture and demonstrate as a business how you are taking a proactive approach to addressing a range of issues and challenges.

We can cater for smaller and larger group workshops. for further information call us on 0141 459 7458 or email