We live in a state of permacrisis – one crisis after another and there is no sign this trend will change any time soon. What does that mean for business owners, leaders and managers? We can not respond, react or throw money at each crisis as this is just not sustainable.

We need to take a good hard look at the type of employer we are, the type of workplace and work experience that we offer our employees and listen and shape accordingly. Employees have more varied and different expectations of the workplace and we will only know what those are if we ask the question and listen. Yes there is a level of salary and renumeration which people will consider to be fair.

They will also be looking for support for their well being; career opportunities; diversity amongst their colleagues; ability to bring their true self to work and fun and enjoyment whilst at work. So rather than worry about this or the next crisis, why not spend that energy on working on creating an engaging culture in your business.