Meet the team – Paula Green, HR Consultant

For Mental Health Awareness Week, we spoke with Paula Green, HR Consultant here at Gravitate HR. Paula is our Mental Health first aider and key member of our consulting team. Her passion for promoting wellbeing in the workplace helps us be a more supportive business for not only our employees, but our clients also. We asked Paula about her journey prior to joining Gravitate, her role, and her views on the current HR climate.

“Tell us about yourself, how did you get into HR and what brought you to Gravitate?”

I had a particularly bad experience in a previous workplace which drew my attention towards the HR function, or lack thereof at the time. I promised myself then that I would do everything in my power to ensure that how I felt in that moment would not be experienced by anyone else, if I could help it. Working for a business that prioritises mental wellbeing and helping others do the same quickly became a non-negotiable for me.

I attended GCU in 2018 and undertook my MSc in Human Resource Management. As I began to network, I came across an in-person event hosted by Gravitate HR, which I attended. The business ticked all my boxes, and fast forward 2 years, Gravitate posted they were hiring – I knew it was a sign to apply!

“What is your role?”

I am a HR Consultant and my main role is to provide a wide range of support and advice to our diverse client portfolio and to build strong relationships with key stakeholders. I am also the Mental Health First Aider for Gravitate and this involves the development of awareness days and ensuring the team have someone to confide in who is well versed in coping strategies and support services.

“What projects are you and your team working on at the moment?”

The business environment has seen some significant changes to legislation this year and one of the main projects that the entire team have been working on is ensuring that all our clients are not only aware of these changes but are equipped with the knowledge and the documentation to manage these changes effectively in practice.

“What is the best thing about your job?”

Outsourced HR is an industry where wellbeing and safe practices are front of mind, and with that comes a lot of professional, as well as personal, fulfilment. Within Gravitate, I am able to support my colleagues where I can with their mental health, which is an incredibly rewarding role. On the client side, I contribute to ensuring that employers are creating safe, compliant and inclusive working cultures. Being able to enact small changes to people’s experience at work more makes it all worth it.

“With HR support, what are the main opportunities for businesses right now?”

Traditional HR practices, such as performance management, are becoming less relevant.  The employment relationship now focusses on other aspects and businesses must now reflect the attitudes of the current and future workforce. The multi-generational workforce presents varying challenges to employers as each generation has different values, beliefs and worldviews.

A key challenge, but also opportunity, for businesses right now is to identify the differing wellbeing issues and support strategies that different generations bring to work. Wellbeing is a hot topic whatever industry you are in, and it is vital that organisations take note and promote wellbeing within themselves and others. Engaging with an outsourced HR consultancy can assist organisations to develop and implement effective wellbeing strategies for maximum impact whilst also ensuring continuity in managing business as usual. By making wellbeing a top priority for everyone, businesses can increase the number of thriving employees in their organisation and seize the multigenerational advantage.

“What do you do outside of work?”

I spend a lot of my time out in nature with my labrador, Rosie (weather permitting). I am also an avid football fan and enjoy supporting my club teams and the national team when I can. I also enjoy simple down time with friends and family.

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