The third piece of this jigsaw is well being. In this more dynamic and varied work landscape, just paying for gym memberships will have limited efficacy. Leaders need to put health and well being at the heart of their engagement strategy and give employees the opportunity to make lasting and fulfilling changes to their well being, living healthy lives physically and mentally. Finding out what employees would value, what activities would make a real difference, perhaps putting a well being focus group together to offer opportunities for their colleagues to improve their overall fitness and well being, having guest speakers to educate, encourage and inform on topics such as nutrition, mindset, trauma specialists or inspirational talks.

Investing in the health and well being of your employees will provide opportunities for engagement, socialising, and collaborating; will demonstrate your commitment to their well being and value to the business; and is likely to reduce sick absence or presentism and improve productivity.

There are obvious overlaps between the emerging trends in employment law and compliance frameworks, the way that we work and our demand for flex in our working lives, and the need to improve our health and well being as we become an ageing and more sedentary workforce. Each piece of the jigsaw has an important part to play. Linking all the elements with an overall strategy will pay intrinsic dividends and could be measured by reduced sick absence, lower attrition rates and higher productivity.

Great opportunities for business to listen, adapt and grow, with employees at the heart of their strategy.