In most businesses people are the most important asset, working with HR will help you make the most of your people and keep them focused on your strategic goals.

What are the benefits of hiring an outsourced HR company?

  • Expertise in recruitment 

Recruitment and retention are certainly challenging factors at the moment, and companies will really have to up their game to win talent into their business. The talent shortage is the number one challenge that businesses are facing and the struggle to find qualified applicants for positions is extremely high. Organisations will need to think more broadly about talent attraction and retention – from compensation, rewards and benefits to learning and development, succession and diversity, equality and inclusion.

We provide a wider range of knowledge on the subject, resulting in more accurate choices, consistent with your organisation’s expectations. 

  • Preventive investment

There are many possible corporate expenses that can arise from problems in HR management, such as statutory disciplinary and grievance processes, high employee turnover and low employee engagement. By investing in outsourced HR, you can ensure that your business has access to appropriate policies, procedures, advice and support and give yourself a higher likelihood of staff which are happy, engaged and productive.  You’ll avoid future problems and potential costs in the future, and will build a good corporate image and reputation, helping you to stand out in the job market and have a stable team to service your clients and customers.

  • Expertise

You’ll get support and guidance from a complete team of experienced and credentialed HR, benefits, payroll, compliance, recruiting and HR technology specialists. We are focused on the best people management practices. We can look at old problems that internal employees can’t solve and will propose the most efficient solutions.

  • Training and Development

We will train and pass on our knowledge and help you build capability and capacity into your team. You’ll accumulate a more in-depth understanding on the organisation and systemization of your business. You’ll pave the beginning of changes that can completely transform the relationship with your employees. 

If you’re trying to handle HR on your own, things like hiring new employees, managing payroll, fielding complaints and ensuring legal compliance can be time-consuming and difficult to keep up with! We can handle this for you and we can develop skills internally to upskill your managers and build capacity into the team.

Here are some signs that signal that you may be in need of some help…

  • You spend more time on administrative tasks than your own work
  • You’re growing fast and struggling to handle the workload
  • You cannot communicate effectively with your employees
  • Increased staff turnover
  • You’re unsure of how much to pay your employees and need to review your payment structure
  • Your relationship with your employees is suffering
  • Your employees ask questions that you cannot answer
  • You don’t have time to give your employees feedback or evaluations

You may feel like you can go it alone but failing to build a relationship with an outsourced HR company can come with risks that could have serious consequences, organizationally and legally. 

When handling something as sensitive and critical as human resources, it’s paramount to hand it over to a more specialised team. If you choose to outsource your HR, it gives you access to a broader range of expertise. We can be a vital link to business success and can help develop long-term strategies for growth and development,  and can implement and provide training procedures.

Gravitate HR can bring a specialised vision to the organisation. We propose creative solutions and acknowledge that the routine of businesses varies depending on their sector and size. 

As an outsourced HR organisation, we have extensive experience in this type of work and provide a more accurate diagnosis of corporate problems, which often aren’t noticed by internal professionals. Rest assured, our work is done together and communication is key so that you can understand your business better.